Through a partnership with RAVE Wireless, Bryant & Stratton College is able to provide timely and relevant information to our faculty, staff and students utilizing email, text and voice messaging.
From this page we encourage you to login to the Rave Wireless site to confirm your contact information and choose your notification preferences from Bryant & Stratton College.
No more waiting for the College's name to scroll across the TV screen when inclement weather hits! Find out right away and be able to plan your day. If an emergency strikes you'll want to know right away and the Emergency Notification System (ENS) provides that to you.
If you want to receive text notifications, you will need to log in to enter or verify your cell phone number and provider. Otherwise, you will be notified of emergency situations only via e-mail. Note that your cellular phone provider may charge a per-text message fee for the delivery of emergency notifications to your phone. Once you've updated your information remember to tell your friends to sign up too!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Rave Alert?
Bryant & Stratton College has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to offer an emergency notification system, Rave Alert, capable of sending users text, voice and e-mail messages. You may learn more about Rave Mobile Safety at their corporate site.
What does the Rave service cost?
Rave does not charge students, faculty or staff for sending or receiving messages through this service. However, your carrier's standard messaging and/or data charges may apply. Please consult the details of your mobile phone plan.
What types of messages will I receive?
The College will only send you messages related to critical campus information and emergencies. You will never receive advertisements and your information is never provided to advertisers.